We Are All Astronauts

We Are All Astronauts, Installation view: Centre Culture Suisse, Paris, France, 2014

We Are All Astronauts, whose title is inspired by the writing of Buckminster Fuller, is composed of world globes stripped clean of their geographic information. Dating from 1890 to 2011, the artist has sanded away the globes’ varying successive and shifting geopolitical contours using “international sandpaper” created with mineral samples from all U.N. recognized countries, which the artist originally created in his previous works, Monument – Sedimentation Of Floating Worlds (2013). Dust created by the abrasion gently settles beneath the globes, creating new, yet-to-be-defined cartographies. The globes are rendered as useless as their carefully drawn territories in an increasingly globalized world bound less and less by borders.

We Are All Astronauts, Installation view: Centre Culture Suisse, Paris, France, 2014
We Are All Astronauts, Installation view: Centre Culture Suisse, Paris, France, 2014